Break free

Hello World,

Are we thinking for ourselves?

From the moment we are born, information is poured into our brain. Depending on our environment, the studies we do or our path in life, we become molded to a way of thinking, of finding solutions, etc. Only on rare occasions are we forced to put everything we’ve learnt into question.

It has become even worse as information is poured at us continuously. And search engines are made in such a way that we will always come around information somehow related to our previous searches. This makes it difficult to get an objective view in any field and leaves us in a bubble instead of enabling us to expand our knowledge.

So, do we really think for ourselves? We may believe so, but in a way we keep grabbing information in our bag of knowledge…things we learned, things we heard, things we were pushed to believe. We may as well reference to information outside of us like from books, thinkers, gurus, whatever works and matches our predisposition.

The majority of us don’t go further than that. We are creatures of habits and most of us are risk-averse. And I believe we are actually quite lazy about pushing ourselves outside of our limits. Thinking outside the box takes some drive. And being stuck in a routine is so comfortable.

Now that it’s been scientifically proven that we use a very small portion of our brain’s capacity, why aren’t we trying to connect more of those synapsis? It’s like our potential has been squeezed in a box and we accommodated to this situation where we don’t maximise our abilities. Let’s regain some freedom by keeping an open-mind, exploring, taking measured-risks (specially for the things we love) and by talking to each other. Step outside your comfort zone… You’ll probably be amazed!!

Don’t you feel like expanding yourself, just out of curiosity?


In my next post, I’ll write about … let me think!!


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