Your body is a temple

Hello mothers to be!

In today’s world, race against time makes us forget the importance of things…

Conceiving a baby goes well further than a planning and an end process. And yet, that’s how we tend to speak about it. We have forgotten that the process starts before conception and that the footprint left on our bodies goes well beyond delivery.

So, forget this idea about your body being a machine that will produce a baby. Industrial production is all about productivity at lower cost. Not really the idea you have when having a baby.

When foreseeing the conception of a baby, visualise your body as a temple. When a temple is constructed, each stone is thoughtfully set in view of the sacred that will be venerated in its core. When the temple is finally ready to receive the divine, people will connect to that other world through offerings, whispered prayers, calm and peacefulness. The temples that are no longer in use are then usually kept in shape, in honour of the past.

Similarly, you want to nourish each cell of your body as you contemplate the possibility of receiving a little human in your womb. The baby to be will be nurtured by what you built your body from. He will listen to your quiet voice as you whisper soft songs and melodies of your heart and will recognize you the day he comes to life. Then your tired body will still need your attention, because even though his mission is accomplished, you want to honour it for what it gave you.

Maternity should not be the only reason to consider your body as sacred. That very body is the only place you have to live in – the keeper of your soul. Treat it with love and respect.

How do you nurture your body?


Are you planning a pregnancy and need some insight on how to better help your body to be prepared for it? Contact me…


In my next post, I’ll write about motherhood in the workplace.



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